East Side Bible Church

1035 Adams Road Wrightsville PA


Randy Panebaker Pastor


Mel Conn Assistant Pastor

Sunday School 9:30 – 10:15

Mel Conn is the Teacher

Studies in Genesis

Service Time Sunday 10:30 – 11:30 am

Evening Service starts at 6pm

The 4th Saturday of every month is men’s

prayer breakfast which begins at 8:30 AM

Food share every 4th Sunday

For our Eastside Family AND any one

YOU may want to pass anything along to

Our Fellowship Dinner is the 5th Sunday of

the month but currently on hold


The Bible is the best text you’ll ever read

Our carpenter needs more joiners

Hope rises with the Son

When Jesus is all you need then Jesus is all

you need

The Christian ideal has not been tried and

found wanting. It has been found difficult;

and left untried. G. K. Chesterton

Let’s follow the shepherd not the herd.

Never discourage anyone who continually

makes progress, no matter how slow.

Never argue with stupid people, they will

drag you down to their level and then beat

you with experience. Mark Twain

Early will I seek thee Lord

Resources to help you on your faith journey